
5 km first snow ski track
Opened in October
Challenging race ski tracks
In compliance with the FIS standards


Ukonniemi area in Imatra offers an international level setting for cross-country skiing training and competitions. The race ski tracks in Ukonniemi comply with the FIS standards. Ukonniemi area and its services provide a perfect setting for training camps and competitions. The earliest first snow ski track of Southern Finland is opened in October each year and offers the option to organise snow camps also in Southern Finland. During the snowfree-season skiers can enjoy the best roller skiing track in Finland, designed specifically for roller skiing and training of ski sports .


The Finnish cross-country skiing championships were held in Ukonniemi in 2016 and 2019. Also international competitions organised by FIS have been held in Ukonniemi.

Lue ajankohtaisimmat tiedot, tapahtumat ja ohjeet

Training facilities and other services

The ski track network surrounding the Ukonniemi Stadium, the first snow ski track, and other sports facilities in the Ukonniemi area offer an excellent setting for sport camps and competitions.

Best conditions for training in Southern Finland- already available in October!

Lari Lehtonen, Finnish National Team skier


Biathlon Canada training camp

Biathlon Canada had at Imatra in November 2020 their pre-season prepairing camp for the World Cup opening race at Kontiolahti.  Imatra Base Camp organized accommodation and training conditions - ski track, shooting range and gym -  according to current coronavirus resrictions, Covid-testing and host services for everyday local arrangements.

Lithuania biathlon team's training camp

The Lithuania biathlon team had their pre-season training camp at the Imatra Ukonniemi first snow track and biathlon stadium in October 2020. The camp also prepaired the team for the World Cup opening race at Kontiolahti 

Imatra Base Camp organized accommodation and training conditions according to current coronavirus resrictions, Covid-testing and all the necessary invitations and documents for entering Finland in these exceptional corona conditions.

Maastohiihdon ja rullahiihdon SM-kilpailut

Viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana Imatran Urheilijat on järjestänyt kahdet nuorten, kahdet rullahiihdon ja kolmet yleisen sarjan SM-kilpailut Imatralla. Ukonniemi-stadion ja sitä ympäröivät ladut ovat tarjonneet loistavat puitteet kisajärjestelyille.